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My turn to fly.


Permalink 16:30:00, by admin, 209 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, twin astir, basic manoeuvres

Arrived at airfield just as the Twin was being towed to 26L. Excellent! Light westerly blowing. First flight with instructor F(2) and he informs me about the "your plane" and "my plane" communication protocol. Winch launch to 1000ft. I still need to get used to that huge acceleration and those nasty negative G's as the cable is released and the nose quickly pushed down. Instructor finds a weak thermal over the industrial part of town (just east of the airfield) and manages to get us to about 1250ft.

Twin Astir Landing

My turn at the controls. First time ever! Have no clue what I'm doing. Even though I know all the basics (in theory), my brain just goes into confused mode. Fixate on the ASI and watch alarmingly how easily it drops from 100km/h to 80 (stall speed). Try a few turns but make a hash of it as my brain overloads with, that once you have established the turn, you must centralise the controls to maintain the turn, and then apply opposite controls to level off again. Makes perfect sense in theory, but my brain doesn't comprehend. Motion-sickness starting to set in. Instructor takes over and lands us. Air time 18 minutes, with me "at" the controls for about 3 minutes (Cost = 67,40ZAR).