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You might be a redneck pilot if:


Permalink 19:54:50, by admin, 279 words   English (ZA)
Categories: joke

You've retro fitted a gun rack in your Cessna 172

Your stall warning horn plays Dixie

You have tobacco stains on your empennage

You're wondering "what the heck is an empennage?"

You've ever called a female ATC controller "darlin"

You hangar your airplane at Kissimmee

You've ever referred to your horizontal stabilizer as "the tailgate"

Your runway, taxiway and tie-down spot are the same

You've ever hauled lumber in your airplane

Your A&P mechanic's name is "Bubba"

You converted your Cherokee to run on corn sqeezins (that's home-made liquor for all you city pilots)

Your chief pilot is from Cullman, Alabama (just kidding Steve)

You think GPS stands for "Gators play Seminoles"

Your flight plan calls for a left turn at the hog pen

You have a Cessna 150 up on cement blocks in your front yard

Your multi-function display receives the Nashville Network

You keep a spare pack of Skoal in the airplane

Your bass boat motor has more horsepower than your airplane's engine

Your house and your hangar both have wheels

You secretly hope John Deere starts building airplanes

Your CFI lives in St. Cloud (just kidding Ryan)

You turn base-to-final over the Super Wal-Mart

You've ever fantasized of flying with Dolly Parton in your airplane

You've ever bought pilot supplies at a flea market

You've ever asked a bar-tender for a Nav Light

Your first solo cross-country was to Wachula

Your weight and balance calculations included 5 cases of Budweiser

You've ever tried to pick-up chicks at Oshkosh

Your "plotter" sports an ad for Tractor Supply

You fly a Rollscanardly (rolls down the runway and can hardly fly)

You have a confederate flag on your com antenna

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