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Water for Africa


Permalink 17:07:07, by admin, 174 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, no fly day, theory

It was rather a disastrous week when the drought we were experiencing came to a sudden and abrupt end on Wednesday night with over 300mm of rain failing in 36 hour period causing huge flood damage and some sad loss of life.

Falke in mudWhen I arrived at the airfield the hangar was still fortunately intact and no damaged had been caused, but for a few slightly wet aircraft. The Falke went for two short flights before the chief flying instructor arrived and deemed the runways safe to use, but was concerned that the gliders might make ruts in it's surface; hence there would be no flying.

Shortly before this we needed to extract the Falke from the mud when it got stuck on one of the taxiways. In place of flying we received an hour lecture on basic flying principles like the airfoil, angle of attack, lift, spins, stalls, circuit patterns, safe use of airbrakes and more; all very interesting and useful.

There was also a visit by a little red tail dragger and some Paragliders.

Red Aeroplane