« Weeps!Almost... »



Permalink 19:34:36, by admin, 244 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, twin astir, take offs & landings

Frustration is starting to set in! Last week I was so close to solo. During the week I spoke to the instructor and he said that there were just a few things that needed sorting out and it shouldn't take more than two or three flights.

But with the gliding instruction system the way it is, this week I have an instructor F(4) who has no idea of what happened the previous week. So I have two short circuits and he nit picks about a few small things and that's it. The rest of the day I spend helping the others out.

Winch's Parachute

No hint or clue as to what I must actually sort out to go solo and even worse no: "you will not get out this plane until you have it right". I think my two flights went very well. The takeoff from 26L was very good, as so was the circuit planning, hold off and landing. All this in a 25 km/h slightly cross wind. I was very happy with myself.

On reflecting about this for some time I have come to conclude that our club has two groups of instructors. The first group actually want to see you progress and help you out in this regard, the second group shows up for duty, you fly with them and they leave. Both groups give you lots of information, but the second group takes no ownership towards your advancement. Two circuits, 9 minutes = 86,20ZAR.