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Pretty ordinary day, dulled by the fact that, bar for the instructor, none of the duty crew arrived for *cough, excuse me* duty. So it was a hard day's work for the three of us, all students, at the airfield what with operating the winch, retrieving the cable, fixing cable breaks and retrieving and towing two gliders.
I thought my flying went very well, though the instructor was not happy with my non-standard circuits. Pity, as for all three flights I planned the circuit and landed us without any drama or backseat assistance.
I generally like to turn base a little earlier, and thus higher, then loose some height on base, close the brakes, turn finals then loose the rest of the height. This just feels more comfortable for me than a long final. Only trick is that you need to line the runway up quicker, but this is not a problem for me.
Again I was reminded that every instructor wants something different and that this constant rotation of instructors definitely makes it more difficult to learn to fly, as you are constantly fed with different and sometimes conflicting information. Three flights equalling 23 minutes with instructor F(6) from 26L (146,40ZAR).
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