Archives for: April 2007


Permalink 18:05:55, by admin, 236 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, motor falke, take offs & landings
The whole duty system at our club is falling to pieces. For the second week in a row the members on duty just decided not to arrive for duty and not to bother to inform anyone or arrange for replacements. This unfortunate and selfish attitude is beginnin… more »


A day rather to forget. Yet another calm almost windless Sunday morning, ideal to be set loose alone in the skies, but no. The winch driver doesn’t pitch, so to keep things moving I volunteer to take the first stint of winch duty. The first two… more »


Not the band, but the k@k going on in my head. It was a wonderfully sunny day, calm wind and some weak thermal activity. I had four amazing flights where I did everything required of me, but at the end of the day I heard those freaking dreaded words AGAI… more »


Permalink 21:00:00, by admin, 201 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, twin astir, take offs & landings
Pretty ordinary day, dulled by the fact that, bar for the instructor, none of the duty crew arrived for *cough, excuse me* duty. So it was a hard day's work for the three of us, all students, at the airfield what with operating the winch, retrieving the… more »