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Permalink 19:10:40, by admin, 165 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, motor falke, take offs & landings, cross-country

Blanik L13We spent the morning assembling the newly arrived Blanik L13 which will be used as our trainer while the Twin Astir is being repaired. Actually a very nice look aircraft and a lot lighter than what it looks. I think it's light weight will allow it to perform better in our weak thermal conditions.

Blanik L13By the time the Blanik was completed the day was half over. I took two very enjoyable flights with the instructor in the Falke. The first was a 30 minute flight, basically 20 minutes one way and 10 minutes back, one touch 'n go and the landing. My first landing really sucked and I was very disappointed in myself. I however consoled myself with the fact that it has been two weeks since my last flight.

The next landing went off much better and two hours later I performed three faultless circuits, with the instructor during my second flight of the day. As it was getting dark we decided to call it a day.