Archives for: December 2007


Permalink 15:15:30, by admin, 227 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, motor falke, circuits & landings, thermaling & soaring
I had checked the Aerosport's website earlier that morning and they had predicted really good thermal activity for Uitenhage at about 2pm. So I arranged with an instructor for permission to fly the Falke and met up with another club member in his own mot… more »


Permalink 15:54:16, by admin, 406 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, motor falke, cross-country
I completed another small personnel aviation milestone today. I flew a dual cross country flight in the Motor Falke which consisted of three legs, a landing at another airfield and also a short venture into controlled airspace. It took 2.5 hours to compl… more »


Permalink 14:56:31, by admin, 100 words   English (ZA)
Categories: no fly day
I arranged with one of the instructors to do a cross country flight today as it is one of the requirements for a touring motor glider licence. Yesterday I did all the route planning using my map and calculated distances, bearings, times and so on. Unf… more »


Permalink 10:20:00, by admin, 12 words   English (ZA)
Categories: no fly day
It's holidays and there will be no official flying until mid January. more »


Permalink 18:05:00, by admin, 338 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, motor falke, circuits & landings, thermaling & soaring
The official flying at our club has drawn to a close as the holiday season approaches. Sadly though it has ended on a bad note for several of the members, but which more unfortunately summarises the whole year for our club. The instructor was unable t… more »


Summer is on the way, and it's going to be hot, real hot. The temperature was hitting the early 30's but fortunately there was a nice fresh breeze from the E, no SE, wait S, no no E, no rather SE; well it just couldn't make up it's mind. Our old Skyla… more »