Archives for: February 2008


Permalink 11:08:42, by admin, 52 words   English (ZA)
Categories: no fly day
Day started off dark and misty with a little rain. The weather forecast predicted morning rain with strong afternoon winds. So to save a trip I decided to stay at home. Heard later that there are people at the airfield but now I'm committed to other f… more »


Permalink 14:05:00, by admin, 25 words   English (ZA)
Categories: no fly day
Day looked dark and a little misty, but headed out the airfield anyway. Few people arrived and about 2 hours later we all headed for home. :( more »


Permalink 15:15:00, by admin, 107 words   English (ZA)
Categories: no fly day
The wind was blowing from early that morning. At the airfield the wind was cross for all the runways and gusting to about 30 kph. It was decided that as the tug (Lambada) doesn't enjoy cross wind landings, that we would not aerotow. The instructor too… more »