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Flying the Falke


Permalink 21:27:00, by admin, 171 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, motor falke, circuits & landings, thermaling & soaring

Our Twin has been fitted with a new CoG release but unfortunately the release cable has started to fray. I spent quite some time that morning helping to strip the front cockpit so that we could gain access to all the bits and pieces; and what a job it was getting to the cable mechanism.

Later that morning I took a short 41 minute flight in the Falke. First I tried my luck on the ridge with the SE blowing, but I didn't fare to well. I experimented with altitudes to leave the ridge and head back for 16L and determined that 500 feet was doing-able, though air-brakes needed only be applied once over the fence. For my third landing I practiced a high steep approach and once again realised that the Falke actually does fairly good steep approaches with full brakes and 100 kph indicated. I'm always cautious to push the speed up a bit as a near the ground to help counter any wind gradient that might be down there. Cost = 185.54ZAR.