« Even more fun in the skyNo fly day »

More fun in the sky


Permalink 19:31:12, by admin, 99 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, circuits & landings, thermaling & soaring, single astir

A very pleasant day at the airfield. I took two short flights in the Single Astir as the air was pretty dead.

Twin Astir Winch LaunchDuring the first flight I found a bit of lift downwind of the airfield and managed to scrimp and scrape to about 2500 feet. The westerly wind was however slowly pushing me away from home and as my comfort factoring was decreasing the further I drifted downwind, I soon elected to head back to safety.

The second flight was a short 5 min circuit. I aced both circuits and landings and was naturally rather chuffed with myself. Cost 107.75ZAR.