« Very much windyHome Time - Day 7 »

A little falking


Permalink 08:21:15, by admin, 145 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, motor falke, circuits & landings, thermaling & soaring

VW and Goodyear FactoriesThe Sunday flying activities of our club take their annual break from about mid December to mid January and thus there no organised flying. Presently I'm also on my three weeks annual leave and took this opportunity to head out to the airfield today to do a little work on the tow-out gear for the Single.

After about 3 hours worth of work the weather was looking quite good with lots of clouds so I took the Motor Falke for a short spin. Though I could not find any decent thermals there was a good amount of general lift and I managed to climb to 3000 feet with the engine ticking over at a little more than idle (about 1500 rpm).

A little falkingI then glided down with the engine on idle and practiced three circuits onto 26. The flight ended up being a good 55 minutes long and should cost 276.00ZAR.