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Very much windy


Permalink 04:40:36, by admin, 222 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, motor falke, circuits & landings

Once again I took the opportunity to do some further work on the Single's tow out gear and as the sky was looking really good I wanted to fly the Falke. The only problem was that the wind was blowing quite and bit and was also gusting some what. I would guess it was blowing at about 25 kph, which is pretty close to the Falke's cross wind limits.

Windy!Taxing cross wind and turning at the bottom of the runway turned out to be rather tricky, but worked out well enough. However, up in the air things were REALLY very bumpy and not bumpy in a good way. I scouted the area briefly but elected to land as I was up there to soar and not to be tossed around in turbulence.

I practice a missed approach on 26 and then went around to land. The landing went off very well even with small crosswind component from the left and the plane touched down slightly with a very short ground run. The wind seemed to have picked up a little since my departure and it was fortunately that I had someone there to hold the wing for me while I taxied crosswind. So that was a short 15 minute flight at 68.40ZAR and some good experience gained by flying the Falke in wind and turbulence.