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Easter Weekend


Permalink 16:42:00, by admin, 181 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, motor falke, circuits & landings

FAUH from 3000 feet.As today was part of the Easter Weekend long weekend no official flying was planned. I never-the-less took a drive to the airfield to again repair the loose tail-skid of the Single's, this time by applying a different and apparently better glue.

When I was done I decided to take the Falke for a quick spin as the weather forecast had predicted some light thermals from about 1pm. The wind was blowing a good 20 kph SW straight down runway 26 and the aircraft seemed to lift off almost immediately after applying full power.

Clouds not doing much.A flew around with engine on and when I got to about 2500 feet I found a few pieces of broken lift that I used (still with the engine on at about 30% power). Once under cloud base the lift was pretty strong, but very broken and no really useable.

By now the wind had west me quite far NW and under power I headed back then glided down for a nice landing. So not much in the way of soaring, but never-the-less some good hour building and experience at 265.20ZAR.