Archives for: October 2009


Permalink 07:43:24, by admin, 12 words   English (ZA)
Categories: no fly day
No flying today as we celebrated my daughter's birthday with a party. more »


Permalink 07:00:44, by admin, 260 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, twin astir, thermaling & soaring, ASW 20
For once the gliding weather today was on the better side of marginal; the sky was blue with a few cu's popping, but also breaking up rather quickly. The wind on the ground was a 10-20kph south-westerly. My first flight was a backseat launch in the T… more »


Permalink 06:50:01, by admin, 95 words   English (ZA)
Categories: no fly day
Weather report 5 days back predicted a gloomy weekend and for once, sadly, they were correct. Yesterday it was overcast with light rain and today it is even worse. I went along to the airfield anyway to sort out a few things. Place was deserted as can be… more »


Permalink 06:42:42, by admin, 32 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, circuits & landings, ASW 20
Not much to report today.Weather was again only good for circuits. Took a short flight in the ASW20 and then later another short backseat flight in the Twin Astir. Cost = 88.35ZAR. more »


Permalink 06:24:59, by admin, 80 words   English (ZA)
Categories: no fly day, achievments
Today our club hosted a very successful glider display at a local shopping mall.Most of the club's members pitched in very nicely to give a hand and the display went off with a hitch. On display was a Salto aerobatic glider, mainly because it's in a… more »