Categories: student, aircraft, blanik L13, dimona, motor falke, twin astir, practical, advanced training, basic manoeuvres, cross-country, introduction, stalls & steep turns, take offs & landings, thermaling & soaring

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Permalink 19:45:00, by admin, 289 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, twin astir, take offs & landings, thermaling & soaring
A nice day's flying and running around the airfield was good relief from a super crappy week at work. It was one of those weeks where you seriously wished you could torch the flippin'; place to the ground and toast marshmallows over the ashes of those @r… more »


Permalink 13:55:47, by admin, 114 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, no fly day
No real surprise that there was no flying to day; just one of those instructors who seldom pitches. Pity, as the wind was blowing at around a nice 35 km/h, South Easterly right onto the ridge. The rest of the crew were all there and we helped out de-r… more »


Permalink 19:59:25, by admin, 237 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, twin astir, take offs & landings, thermaling & soaring
The day started off wet, there was a lecture on thermalling and then actual thermalling. Correct, you heard me right. Thermalling at FAUH! The theory all sounds good, that's of course until you try and put that mass of information to practice, then it's… more »


Permalink 16:41:00, by admin, 180 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, twin astir, take offs & landings, thermaling & soaring
After last weeks flying, today was a bit of a let down. The first flight went well because at last I had a chance to practice some thermaling. It was very broken, but with lots of hard work we kept the plane up for 26 minutes, it could have been longer,… more »

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