Categories: student, aircraft, blanik L13, dimona, motor falke, twin astir, practical, advanced training, basic manoeuvres, cross-country, introduction, stalls & steep turns, take offs & landings, thermaling & soaring

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Permalink 17:07:07, by admin, 174 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, no fly day, theory
It was rather a disastrous week when the drought we were experiencing came to a sudden and abrupt end on Wednesday night with over 300mm of rain failing in 36 hour period causing huge flood damage and some sad loss of life. When I arrived at the airfi… more »


Permalink 18:00:00, by admin, 307 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, twin astir, motor falke, stalls & steep turns, take offs & landings
Five enjoyable short winter flights with instructor F(2). The first two were from 08R in very calm conditions, so we flew very long shallow approaches. Felt a little odd, as I am more used to the higher steeper approaches when the wind is blowing. We… more »


Permalink 16:36:45, by admin, 313 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, dimona, cross-country
So I arrive at 9:15 am. Not a sole in sight. Moments later another member arrives and he gives me a quick 20 minute pax flight in his Lambada motor glider. Awesome aeroplane. Climbs like a demon. At about 5500 ft, just above cloud level, he turns back an… more »


Permalink 19:32:38, by admin, 186 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, twin astir, take offs & landings
Day started off wet, rainy and cold, but I needed to be at the airfield for a committee meeting at 9:00 am. By the time the meeting had ended the sun was out and there was a very slight south-easterly blowing so it was Go for flying. At 12:30pm we sta… more »

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