Categories: student, aircraft, blanik L13, dimona, motor falke, twin astir, practical, advanced training, basic manoeuvres, cross-country, introduction, stalls & steep turns, take offs & landings, thermaling & soaring

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Permalink 09:34:25, by admin, 33 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, no fly day
Lovely weather outside this morning, they are talking about 24°C, but I need to attend to some things at home today. :'( So here I sit, waiting for trouble to arrive, late as usual. more »


Permalink 17:48:04, by admin, 363 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, twin astir, take offs & landings, thermaling & soaring
A very decent winter's day, with some interesting weather resulting in some excellent lift around the airfield. One glider was up for 110 minutes and only returned because it was getting late. This is very impressive considering that the ridge wasn't use… more »


Permalink 18:33:26, by admin, 86 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, theory
For those of you interested in some stats. So far I have had 27 flights equalling 6.9 hours. The total cost (only flying and launches) has been 1548ZAR. The average flight length was 15 minutes and included four flights in the Motor Falke, two in a Dimon… more »
Permalink 18:07:25, by admin, 254 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, twin astir, basic manoeuvres, take offs & landings
An interesting, but also a very frustrating day. Due to various issues (that I'd rather not discuss here) gliding only started at 1:00 pm. The day started off cloudy with a light drizzle in the early hours of the morning. I walked the wing of the Twin to… more »

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