Categories: practical, advanced training, basic manoeuvres, cross-country, introduction, stalls & steep turns, take offs & landings, thermaling & soaring

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Permalink 19:34:36, by admin, 244 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, twin astir, take offs & landings
Frustration is starting to set in! Last week I was so close to solo. During the week I spoke to the instructor and he said that there were just a few things that needed sorting out and it shouldn't take more than two or three flights. But with the gli… more »


I came so close to being sent solo today I could almost feel it. It was the things the instructor F(3) was saying and his overall mood. Problem is, it just wasn't meant to be. A set of circumstances lead to me really not being in the right frame of mind… more »


Permalink 20:30:00, by admin, 359 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, twin astir, take offs & landings, thermaling & soaring
Today was my first full day of winch duty. I was pre-warned that this would be a very boring and lonely duty as one sat alone at the opposite end of the airfield with your only visitor being the guy who would come retrieve the cable after each launch.… more »


Permalink 23:00:00, by admin, 528 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, twin astir, take offs & landings, thermaling & soaring
Left home at 8:30 and arrived back at 20:00, so that was a full 11½ away from home. The wife was not impressed. I feel guilty, but what can you do. I tried to reassure her by saying that once I had my license I would be less at the airfield, but while… more »

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