Category: no fly day

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Permalink 16:05:45, by admin, 97 words   English (ZA)
Categories: no fly day
The day started off looking calm and very nice, but the weather forecast had predicted gale force winds from about 10 am, and they were right. The wind howled and I decided not to go to the airfield as there was no chance that we would fly. Instead I spe… more »


Permalink 17:26:14, by admin, 46 words   English (ZA)
Categories: no fly day
Today was week four (4) without a winch!!! This surely can't go on :'(. I spent the morning with a friend trying to get things going, but still nothing. To make maters worse, much worse, the gliding weather looked really good. This is hugely depressing a… more »


Permalink 17:50:00, by admin, 56 words   English (ZA)
Categories: no fly day
The weather was almost identical to the previous day. A slight NW on the ground, high clouds and lots of haze. Again a strong wind was predicted at 6000 ft. As I had flown far the previous day, the turn out at the club was small and the soaring weathe… more »


Permalink 09:20:10, by admin, 22 words   English (ZA)
Categories: no fly day
Today was not an official flying day due to Saturday’s open day and everyone being rather exhausted from all the work. more »

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