Category: no fly day

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Permalink 16:35:38, by admin, 32 words   English (ZA)
Categories: no fly day
No flying the Blanik today as the rear skid was once again damaged during ground handling. Spent the rest of the morning winch launching the Single Astir into very good gliding conditions. more »


Permalink 12:49:05, by admin, 31 words   English (ZA)
Categories: no fly day
Rather miserable weather. METAR FAPE 071030Z 23019KT 9999 FEW012 SCT020 BKN060 15/09 Q1012 RERA TEMPO 5000 -SHRA= FC TAF FAPE 070900Z 071021 24025G35KT 9999 BKN015 BKN040 BECMG 1921 24015G25KT TEMPO 4000 -SHRA BKN010 TX15/12ZTN13/21Z= more »


Permalink 19:53:00, by admin, 55 words   English (ZA)
Categories: no fly day
The day started off late with a small number of members. I was on winch duty and launched the Blanik twice before its skid was broken off during ground handling and flying ceased prematurely for the day. We were however treated to three very fast and… more »


Permalink 14:56:58, by admin, 68 words   English (ZA)
Categories: no fly day
The day started with a rather poor looking weather report. However the weather was not so bad at the airfield with a 20 knot South Westerly blowing. The instructor arrived at about 10:30, but elected not to fly. I could also not fly the Falke due it b… more »

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