Categories: solo, aircraft, ASW 20, blanik L13, motor falke, single astir, twin astir, practical, achievments, advanced, backseat training, circuits & landings, cross-country, stalls, spins & steep turns, thermaling & soaring

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Permalink 20:46:00, by admin, 114 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, circuits & landings, single astir
Yet another very quiet day at the airfield. Fortunately we had enough hands to get the gliders airborne. I took three short flights in the Single Astir, on winch launches, to fly three very nice circuits. The wind was a light Westerly and my circuits… more »


Permalink 22:50:00, by admin, 123 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, circuits & landings, stalls, spins & steep turns
Again a very quiet day at the airfield. These type of days are becoming more and more frequent and it's sad to see how our club is slowly grinding to a halt. The day started off very misty, which was actually perfect as the module on human limitations… more »


Permalink 17:59:59, by admin, 229 words   English (ZA)
Categories: motor falke, circuits & landings, stalls, spins & steep turns
Each Sunday at 9 am the duty crew arrives timeously at our small gliding club; their mission: to get the gliders out of the hangar, prepare the winch and to get things ready for the day. The photo to the right is of them working their little hearts out,… more »


Permalink 21:21:00, by admin, 203 words   English (ZA)
Categories: circuits & landings, single astir
As it turned out, a damn good day at the airfield. There was more than the usual turn out of members, everyone helped out and the flying was good. I spent half the day launching gliders with the winch and also managed to get my turn to fly. I had t… more »

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