Categories: aircraft, ASW 20, blanik L13, motor falke, single astir, twin astir

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Permalink 20:44:47, by admin, 509 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, circuits & landings, thermaling & soaring, single astir
From the start of the day the gliding weather was never really going to happen, and well, it didn't. We had a good crew on duty plus two spare hands and most of us worked our tails off. I had two short 10 minutes flights in the Single doing my damnd… more »


Permalink 20:41:00, by admin, 305 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, motor falke, cross-country
I spent the best part of Saturday morning at the airfield re-doing some of the wiring on the single. At the same time I did some neatened up behind the panel and under the seat where wires and vacuum hoses lay in some apparent bazaar and entangled multip… more »


Permalink 20:32:00, by admin, 187 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, thermaling & soaring, single astir
Another interesting weather day. On the way to the airfield the low stratus cloud started moving in at after the first launch in the Twin it started to rain lightly. The old hands at the airfield suggested that we wait, as the sky would soon start to ope… more »


Permalink 20:21:00, by admin, 323 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, thermaling & soaring, single astir
The weather did not look promising for the day with a light wind and a very blue sky. I took a winch launch from 08 into the South Easterly after having observed some of the other planes successfully staying aloft for more than a circuit. About 3/4 t… more »

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