Categories: aircraft, ASW 20, blanik L13, motor falke, single astir, twin astir

Pages: << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... 24 >>


Permalink 21:49:00, by admin, 108 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, circuits & landings, ASW 20
We are planning a gliding camp to Graaff-Reinet for the coming long weekend so most of today was spent getting in some valuable aerotow experience. I only took one tow to circuit height and then landed. Very late in the day some guys found some very… more »


Permalink 11:29:58, by admin, 152 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, circuits & landings, ASW 20
The weather today was looking to be marginal, but flyable, but things took a long time to get going at the airfield and even longer for me to get my turn in the ASW20. I was towed to where the tug pilot expected some wave to be found, but all I found was… more »


Permalink 11:16:01, by admin, 683 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, circuits & landings, cross-country, ASW 20
Unfortunately, but due to time constraints I just can't keep this blog up to date as often I would like. Too much to do, too little time, and all that. :( Today was a day of a few firsts and even more lessons learned. Aero-towing For starters… more »


Permalink 06:15:52, by admin, 229 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, ASW 20
The thermal predictions looked good(ish) for today, but only for a small window period of about two hours. We hauled the planes out to 26 and started with winch launches. Most reported back a few bubbles, but nothing much. The sky started to look better… more »

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