Category: twin astir

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Permalink 21:15:00, by admin, 225 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, twin astir, thermaling & soaring, single astir, backseat training
Another extremely hectic week behind me, but fortunately there was time to head out to the airfield to escape the pressures of normally daily life. Things got off to a late start as some repair/maintenance work first needed to be completed on the winch.… more »


Permalink 19:52:05, by admin, 703 words   English (ZA)
Categories: twin astir, circuits & landings, single astir
A bit of an on-off day for me today and the weather was extra peculiar and pretty much inline with the weather forecast. The day started off with a light south-westerly wind on the ground and therefore runway 26 was used. As the day progress the south… more »


Rather an amazing day for me. Why? - Because today, for the first time, I flew three different aircraft on the same day. This may not sound like much, but I consider it to be rather an impressive achievement and a first for me. Not only this, the lift wa… more »


Permalink 22:36:00, by admin, 500 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, twin astir, circuits & landings
The soaring weather started off looking awesome and by the time I arrived (9 am) the duty crew (of which I was one) had already extracted the aircraft from the hangar and the winch was ready to go. So things looked promising. We started flying early a… more »

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