Categories: practical, achievments, advanced, backseat training, circuits & landings, cross-country, stalls, spins & steep turns, thermaling & soaring

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Permalink 14:06:00, by admin, 101 words   English (ZA)
Categories: motor falke, thermaling & soaring
The started off looking promising, but this soon turned to disappointment and frustration when we realised that the winch was kaput. No amount of tinkering by any of the members managed to get it running. I took the Falke for a spin, first one circuit… more »


Permalink 15:03:00, by admin, 82 words   English (ZA)
Categories: motor falke, circuits & landings
The turn out at the airfield today was rather small, this plus the fact that we had no winch driver meant that we could only fly the Falke. Just to get some practice in, I performed two short circuits on runway 34. The wind was a light Northerly but o… more »


Permalink 19:48:36, by admin, 225 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, thermaling & soaring, stalls, spins & steep turns, single astir
Now here’s what I really enjoyed about today. I arrived at the airfield and for once there were enough people to get the operations going without my assistance. After I had given them some direction, they managed to get everything ready and had… more »


Permalink 19:31:12, by admin, 99 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, circuits & landings, thermaling & soaring, single astir
A very pleasant day at the airfield. I took two short flights in the Single Astir as the air was pretty dead. During the first flight I found a bit of lift downwind of the airfield and managed to scrimp and scrape to about 2500 feet. The westerly wind… more »

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