Category: stalls, spins & steep turns

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Permalink 17:59:59, by admin, 229 words   English (ZA)
Categories: motor falke, circuits & landings, stalls, spins & steep turns
Each Sunday at 9 am the duty crew arrives timeously at our small gliding club; their mission: to get the gliders out of the hangar, prepare the winch and to get things ready for the day. The photo to the right is of them working their little hearts out,… more »


Summer is on the way, and it's going to be hot, real hot. The temperature was hitting the early 30's but fortunately there was a nice fresh breeze from the E, no SE, wait S, no no E, no rather SE; well it just couldn't make up it's mind. Our old Skyla… more »


Today was one of those ummmhhh?!?!? days. A day with lots of question marks with equally as many exclamation marks all preceded with ummmhhhh. So what am I saying here? Ummhh, well it's kind of hard to explain. For some reason I was feeling a bit appr… more »


Permalink 17:42:20, by admin, 147 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, motor falke, circuits & landings, stalls, spins & steep turns
This morning I was up there all alone in the Falke on a beautiful calm sunny winter's morning doing a long circuit (waiting for all the traffic to clear) and I had a moment to take a breath, study the country side and enjoy the experience and I thought t… more »

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