Category: cross-country

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Permalink 22:16:00, by admin, 1378 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, single astir, cross-country
When I planned my trip for Bloemfontein I set for myself two objects. The first was to fly my short (50km) cross country so that I could tick that final box on my blue training card for my glider pilot's license and the second was to complete my 5 hours… more »


Permalink 06:52:31, by admin, 653 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, single astir, cross-country
Bloemfontein Camp - Day 4 What to say about today? Ponder, ponder, think, think, mmmmhh? Ok, I need to make a small confession: I'm actually writing this blog a few weeks later and I actually can't remember much about what happened on this day. Very w… more »


Permalink 07:24:47, by admin, 709 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, single astir, cross-country
Bloemfontein Camp - Day 2 You need to understand that I have never ever been solo (by myself / alone !) further than gliding distance from any airfield (in a glider). For those that fly cross country all they time they might have forgotten just how bi… more »


Permalink 21:20:00, by admin, 1395 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, circuits & landings, single astir, cross-country
Bloemfontein Camp - Day 1 There is really so much to say about today that I have absolutely no clue as to where to begin or as to how much detail to go into. So sit back and get comfortable, as this might take a while... Well I guess the beginning… more »

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