Category: cross-country

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Permalink 20:41:00, by admin, 305 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, motor falke, cross-country
I spent the best part of Saturday morning at the airfield re-doing some of the wiring on the single. At the same time I did some neatened up behind the panel and under the seat where wires and vacuum hoses lay in some apparent bazaar and entangled multip… more »


Permalink 16:46:00, by admin, 439 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, motor falke, achievments, cross-country
Today was a good day for my solo cross country in the motor glider, and after some planning I set off on a short trip to a nearby airfield on the coast. The weather report was good, but the wind at about 6000 ft was predicted to be 30 to 40 knots. No… more »

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