« Nieu Bethesda CampDimona »

Paradise Beach


Permalink 20:00:00, by admin, 126 words   English (ZA)
Categories: aircraft, Dimona, Lambada

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Photos of our cross country flight to Paradise Beach.
The three planes flying were a Cessna C152, a Lambada motor glider and a Dimona motor glider.
I was flying P2 in the Dimona and the photographs were taken from the Lambada.

Just out of FAUH (Uitenhage). Nice and pretty green for a change.

Follow up:

Crossing the N2 highway with the coast in sight.

Low over the beach, catching the C152 fast.

Catching the Dimona (me).

Nice shot of Jeffrey's Bay. Paradise beach is just across the lagoon to the right.

The Paradise Beach airstrip.

A nice turn over the lagoon.

On the way back.

Crossing the Lady's Slipper mountains - home not far away now.

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