An excellent selection of gliding and soaring books available for purchase at and is recommended for people living in Southern Africa.
Know the Game: Gliding |
Ann Welch |
This short guide of 48 pages combines practical text with photographs and diagrams as an introduction to the sport of soaring. It includes details of the rules, equipment needed and much more information for this sport. |

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Gliding: The Theory of Flight |
British Gliding Association |
The official manual of the British Gliding Association, aimed at all glider pilots and instructors, this user-friendly guide explains the key theories of flight. Packed with clear illustrations, Gliding makes complex topics comprehensible and includes over 400 illustrations detailing how and why gliders work. |

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Beginning Gliding |
Derek Piggott |
This book contains everything a glider pilot needs to know to understand how to properly launch, control and land a glider. It views the whole process from the perspective of a beginner tackling all the difficulties and concerns experienced by students, tells you how to correct all of the usual mistakes, and lots of different ways to think about the same thing. |

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Gliding |
Derek Piggott |
Gliding has become one of the most authoritative gliding works in print, it is recognised throughout the world and is known as the 'Gliding Bible'. The author is a well respected gliding instructor with vast gliding experience. Fully illustrated (over 200 pictures) and contains everything a glider pilot needs to know about soaring. Includes a section for the student pilot and with information on flying techniques, instruments, conditions, equipment, circuit procedures, turns, launches, safety and emergency parachuting. |

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Understanding Flying Weather |
Derek Piggott |
An excellent introduction to meteorology for glider pilots. Written in simple and accessible terms, and with many diagrams, this book explains how to interpret flying weather by looking at the causes and effects of atmospheric phenomena, including air masses, high and low pressure areas, cloud formation, fronts, thermals, inversions and anti-cyclones. |

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Understanding Gliding: The Principles of Soaring Flight |
Derek Piggott |
A comprehensive study of gliding theory and how and why a glider flies. Written by a gliding instructor who seeks to demystify the theory behind gliding in understandable text with many clear diagrams. Includes design limitations, safety, performance and much more. Excellent reading for the experienced and inexperienced alike. |

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Glider Flying Handbook |
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) |
An official book released by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the sole purpose of glider and sailplane instruction and knowledge, this book answers all the questions related to glider flying and soaring found in the FAA's required knowledge exams for pilots. Included is detailed coverage on decision making, aerodynamics, aircraft performance, soaring weather, flight instruments, medical factors, communications, and regulations, all in relation to the world of glider flying. |

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The Gliding Flight (Paper Aeroplane Design) |
John M. Collins |
Something a little different. A return to paper airplane basics: one person, one piece of paper, and a few folds later, one airplane. Using a refreshingly inventive approach to designs and flying characteristics, you can make 20 original paper planes. The book demonstrates the basic folds, with clear step-by-step assembly for each design. All you need to create high-performance aircraft. |

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Fantastic Flight (Paper Aeroplane Design) |
John M. Collins |
They loop, they circle back, they flap their wings and spin, they tumble, they soar, and, of course, they glide. This book is the sequel to The Gliding Flight and reveals the next generation of fold-and-fly fun and explains how to craft 25 new and amazing flying machines. |

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The Glider Pilot's Manual |
Ken Stewart |
A detailed flying training manual for glider pilots. All aspects of training for the glider pilot's licence are covered in detail. It is a complete manual for the beginner leading them through the flying training, providing sufficient technical information and introducing basic soaring. An absolute must have for all student pilots. |

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The Soaring Pilot's Manual |
Ken Stewart |
This is one of the best books on the subject of how to soar, rather than the mechanics of getting up and down in one piece. The book covers the pros and cons of the different soaring techniques and how different styles best work. Clear diagrams illustrate the text throughout and make complicated facts seem simple to understand. It also progresses to cross country flying and contains exercises that should be found useful by any glider pilot. |

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The Handbook of Glider Aerobatics |
P. Mallinson and Mike Woollard |
This extreme fringe in the sport of gliding is becoming increasingly popular as more and more glider pilots seek a greater challenge from their flying. This text provides a reference point for use in conjunction with aerobatic instruction. It aims to help provide an understanding of the important subjects, techniques and methods that are essential for safe and successful aerobatic flying. |

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Cloud Dancing: Your Introduction to Gliding and Motorless Flight |
Robert F. Whelan |
A great book on soaring and the history of sailplanes that wonderfully descriptions what you can expect from a sailplane flight. The author, a veteran sailplane pilot, provides a personal, experienced insight into what a budding glider pilot can expect during their initial flights, while working towards their license and then engaging in soaring competitions. |

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Gliding: From Passenger to Pilot |
Steve Longland |
This book is well laid out with clear diagrams, and explains all the necessary information for both the novice and more experienced pilot. The illustrations are particularly helpful and the explanations of various techniques easy to follow. Topics include: the history of the sport, gliding clubs, getting started and what to expect, how gliders fly, how to fly them, launching, the cockpit, safety, the weather, cross-country and competitive flying. |

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Gliding: The British Gliding Association Manual |
Steve Longland |
The official manual of the British Gliding Association. Highly illustrated and designed to be user-friendly, it guides the user through a comprehensive range of key subjects making complex topics comprehensible and including 400 illustrations to enhance the explanatory material. |

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To Fly the Gentle Giants: The Training of U.S. WW II Glider Pilots |
J. Norman Grim |
This is the story of the training of U.S. WWII glider pilots, mainly in the U.S., but also includes some training that took place in several foreign countries. Excitement, daring adventures, and horror were not exclusive experiences of WWII pilots flying combat missions in bombers, fighters, and gliders. |

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Found 16 books.